Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Onew Condition and 12 Onew Condition Moments

Onew condition adalah kondisi ketika Onew mengatakan sesuatu yg garing abiz dan membuat semua personil membatu.Ada lagi fakta tentang Onew yang bikin aq jadi malu ama diri q sendiri. Onew tuh bener-bener leader sejati bagi q, dia bisa mempertahankan nilainya di sekolah dan rangking sekolah terbaiknya adalah rangking 2 untuk seluruh sekolah dan kelas, beda sama Minho dan Key yang nilainya menurun ketika masuk Shinee. Waw! inilah yang bikin aq kagum ma Onew, walau dia garing, dia termasuk murid yang pinter. Saludddd..
Tipe cewek nya Onew juga nggak neko-neko. Dia gak punya tipe ideal untuk cewek idamannya, soalnya Onew sendiri mikir kalo setiap cewek tu punya daya tarik masing-masing. sweet…

Nah, Ini dia 12 Onew Condition momment :
Do you find yourself often crashing into things randomly? Falling down a lot or constantly tripping over yourself? Craving chicken to no end or making the lamest jokes that leaves room for awkward silences for those around you? If so, you might have Onew Condition. It is a well known condition in the KPop world that is quite contagious and is respectively named after SHINee’s leader, Onew. Let’s take a look at some of these moments from the master himself!
Note: The moments are in no particular order, nor can every Onew Condition be included, sadly.
1. “Dibi dibi dip”- Whatever he does, it’s Onew Condition
Here, we have Flaming Charisma Minho rapping to song “SHINee World,” with Jonghyun saying that “Dibi dibi dip” is embarrassing, only to have Onew trying to be funny by repeating it right after. Awkward silence, then the members break out into, “Whatever he does, it’s Onew Condition!”
2. “KYAHHH!!!!”
Omo, Dubu sounded like a fangirl right there. While everyone else is laughing, you hear this higher- pitched “kyahhh!” from Onew instead. Or…he sounded like an animal in pain?
3. Mic files Out of hand–> Tries to catch it–> Face plants
The unforgettable day where Onew’s mic flew out of his hand during the dance sequence of a “Lucifer” performance and tried to catch it. While doing so, he tripped and dived down onto the stage, legs in the air. Owie. Only he can pull off such moves!
4. “Hello, my name is WenNiu.”
SHINee introduced themselves in Chinese, but our lovable leader couldn’t get his quite right: WenLiu (温流). The other members snickered every time he messed up, and Onew asked why did he even have to change his name to make it more difficult for him. His pronunciation sounded kind of like the translation of “warm cow” (wen niu).
5. Onew gets too excited and tackles Luna
On January 23rd, MBC held a Lunar New Year’s special, “Idol Star Athletics Championship.” Luna gracefully cleared her high jump, with Minho and Onew rushing up to congratulate her. With Onew and his condition, however, he managed to trip over the mat and collide into Luna, taking her down in the process.
Later, on Strong Heart he tried to explain why it happened. Onew, it’s simply because of your condition:
6. Onew’s “not-so-grand” entrance
On episode 7 of SHINee’s YunHaNam, hosted by MNet: Onew’s part was coming up, but before he even got in on the action, he slipped and fell down the stairs. He just laid there, and got plenty of criticism from Key. Poor guy!
7. Double voice crack while singing “Lucifer”
Aww, twice! This caused the other members to double over in laughter, no matter how serious they were trying to stay. Even Onew himself was cracking up at himself after looking at their reactions. Good sport, good sport.
8. When Onew Condition presents a consequence
During a stage performance of “Love Like Oxygen,” Onew fell. They were all standing in a straight line, so it was very noticeable that he has trouble getting up. Apparently he twisted his ankle from this, noooo!
9. Talking to a TV screen
During the show, he randomly gets up, walks over to the huge TV screen and starts talking to the people on it. Um, Onew, can they hear what you’re saying?
10. “The chicken in my heartttt” + “Touch Me”
Shouting his love for chicken during a Mexicana Chicken CF shoot, then mimicking a few of Ivy’s “Touch Me” dance moves. Random, but quite funny.
11. Bi-Polar Onew?
A compilation of those bored/scary stares Onew sometimes pulls out, whether if automatically, or originally from a smile. With dramatic music for additional humor, of course.
12. Hello, Onew Condition
Last, but not least, some funny Onew Condition moments from “Hello Baby!” Watch, laugh and love him even more. Having three videos is just too great.
Whoo, what a list. This condition has added much laughter and good times to SHINee and Shawols. Dobu, continue to be lovable and random! What other favorite Onew Condition moments do you have?

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